Why is the Squat Position so Important?
When we are in the squat position the Puborectalis muscle relaxes, instinctively triggering the urge to push and aiding the complete emptying of the bowels. Other baby potties and toilet trainers on the market do not help your baby to sit in the squat position, which makes it significantly more difficult to achieve complete elimination.

How does the Baby Throne work?
Start using the Baby Throne whenever you like. Here are some suggested ages and the 3 simple stages you can use with your baby/toddler

Stage 1: Beginner
Use as a Seat
4 – 6 months but can also start much later
Routinely place the baby or toddler, wearing a nappy/ diaper, on the Baby Throne for a maximum of 10 minutes twice a day until s/he instinctively poops while on the Baby Throne.
Stage 2: Intermediate
Use as a Potty
from 6 months
Turn the base over. Place the baby or toddler (not wearing a nappy/diaper) on the Baby Throne. Once s/he is comfortable with this stage, move on to the advanced stage.
Stage 3: Advanced
Use as a Toilet Trainer
6 months – 4 years (max. 20kgs)
Simply place the seat, without the base, on top of the toilet. The Baby Throne fits both oval and square toilets. The base and lid can now be used as a container, a step-up and an adult squat-step.
The Unique Design Triggers the Push!
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Four Reasons Why We Love The Baby Throne

1. Safely Holds your Baby or Toddler in the Optimal Squat Position
Due to its unique design, the Baby Throne holds a baby or toddler safely in the optimal squat position (patented). This position triggers an instinctive push and results in easier elimination. It is the squat position that relaxes the Puborectalis muscle triggering the instinct to push and encourage complete and easy elimination. The Baby Throne is not the same as a regular potty used in potty training. Other potties and toilet trainers on the market do not enable your baby to sit in the optimal squat position. The Baby Throne can be used between the ages of 4 months (when baby can hold his/her head up unaided) to 4 years of age (approximately 20kgs/44lbs) when the seat becomes too tight.

2. Easy & Complete Elimination
It is very common for babies & toddlers to suffer from constipation and struggle to ‘go’ especially at 6 months when transitioning from milk to solids. Due to human physiology and gravity, the Baby Throne’s squat position design allows for more complete emptying of the bowels, which is healthier for your baby or toddler.

3. Not Just a Short Term Solution
Although medication and prune juice are frequently used as a short-term solution for loosening stools, these methods become less effective over time. The Baby Throne offers you a solution for easier and complete elimination which is not only effective, but also healthier for your baby and can be safely used over the long term.

4. Simple Routine Saves Time and Alleviates Unnecessary Stress
Use the Baby Throne twice a day for no more than 10 minutes at a time. Once your baby/toddler is used to using the Baby Throne, complete elimination takes significantly less time – often less than 90 seconds! Having a routine also helps to prevent toddlers from ‘holding back’ when they are busy playing.
Buy online via Amazon or securely on our website | Full Set ONLY $129!
Globally 300,000 diapers PER MINUTE goes into landfills!
It has been proven with the Baby Throne that we can save at least 60% (180,000) of the 300,000 nappies per minute.
“A baby may get through 4,000-6,000 nappies by the time they are potty trained. Every year, an estimated 167bn disposable nappies are produced, requiring 248.5m barrels of crude oil. Because of the mix of materials, and the addition of human waste, they are very hard to recycle. The vast majority end up in landfill, where they take hundreds of years to break down. Globally, more than 300,000 disposable nappies a minute are sent to landfill, incinerated or end up in the environment, including the ocean”.
Buy online via Amazon or securely on our website | Full Set ONLY $129!
The base and lid can also be used as a step-up, container and squat-step.
The Baby Throne is light enough for your toddler to lift onto the toilet.

What Happy Parents are Saying
We have been using the Baby Throne for only a week now and are super happy with what we have already seen. Our little dude is only 5.5 months old, and has been battling along with his gut because of his slow transition into solids, and, the worst, teething. We’ve been putting him on the Throne for 10 minutes at a time twice a day as well as when we can see his face go a bit red or when his clogged tummy is giving him issues. The results have been very good thus far: He sits. He expells. He is relieved. He is stoked. We are stoked that he is stoked. Good job Baby Throne. Good job.
I’ve used the Baby Throne with my daughter since she was 9 weeks old, we always assisted with the necessary neck support. She is now 20 months and has taken to it very well and not having to deal with poopy diapers all this time has been a dream come true.
I started training with my son on the Baby Throne at 4 months old. He just turned 2 years old and is completely off the nappies day and night! In actual fact, he made a nr 2 this morning all by himself without calling or anything! No more nappies for him. Thank you Baby Throne, you made our lives so much easier!!!!
My 21 week old son gave a poo in less than 3 minutes! He usually poos every 6th day (EBF) and today was day 4… I’m super impressed.
My baby was 4 months old and holding her head up by herself and I initially thought ‘it’s too young’ but then thought, ‘why not?’. She has to empty herself properly and all she is doing is sitting in a squat position with her nappy on (Beginner Throne). She loves it and as soon as I was confident (she was already) I took her nappy off and ‘voila’! We are very happy and have the perfect routine! We discovered Elimination Communication all by ourselves!
Funny how one knows that squatting triggers the instinct to bear down but we still need to be told! Only an adult (young healthy one..) can hold that back but only for a limited period. Babies will not hold that instinct back for sure. This also explains why squatting helps constipation.
The Baby Throne is an incredibly durable product with a functional design. It is easy to clean, small enough to not take up too much space and Knox loves sitting in it as it is so comfy! It is very light and easy to move from room to room. This is not a magical solution for potty training, but it does make it a hell of a lot easier. There are also so many advantages to using the Baby Throne that the price tag is definitely worth it. This product will most likely last you through all of your kids, it is pretty indestructible.
The squat position is not only recommended for people with bowel or lower intestinal problems or even just constipation – it is required!
Featured on

10 x Most Green Product Award & Most Innovative Product Award

Baby Clinic Approved and Endorsed by Paediatricians
Proudly South African
Buy online via Amazon or securely on our website | Full Set ONLY $129!
How does the Baby Throne compare to other options?

* Savings based on client feedback. Comparison made with typical potties and toilet trainers.
Buy online via Amazon or securely on our website | Full Set ONLY $129!
Frequently Asked Questions
The Baby Throne Comfort has a luxurious warm rubber purple surface (TPE). The more cost effective Baby Throne Basic does not have this comfort layer. Both hold your baby and/or toddler in an optimal squat position. The Baby Throne Basic is only available in South Africa.
Interestingly, we had a little girl who had exactly this problem. We don’t know why but she was 13 months old and something must have happened. She got the Baby Throne as a present all wrapped up in pretty paper, and showed her how you can easily stick stickers on the surface. She took ownership of her Throne. She sat in the Beginner stage a few times and progressed to using the Intermediate stage and used it as a potty for about a week. After this time she was quite happy and actually initiated moving to the Advanced stage herself just before her bath. It was not treated as a big deal, but you could see how pleased she was with herself!
The Baby Throne is a tool. It supports a baby or a toddler from the front, back sides and under their thighs so they feel safe. The support under the thighs is especially important for little ones who may have a ‘fear of letting go’. No one knows your baby or toddler better than you do. The Baby Throne is a tool and you have to figure out between yourselves how to make it fit into your lives. As soon as baby is born, they have to ‘go’ properly. You are just helping them to do what is perfectly normal and natural.
These are all toilet training techniques. If you Google any of these words you will get a huge amount of information on these subjects. The Baby Throne is simply the tool that holds your baby or toddler in the correct position. The Baby Throne is the ONLY suitable tool that holds a baby comfortably and safely in the optimal squat position, supporting them on all sides in a warm safe structure. You can toilet train babies. Babies are clever! As my husband stated to some raised eyebrows; ‘if you can toilet train a puppy, why can’t you toilet train a baby? Babies are much cleverer!’
Babies who have been practicing Elimination Communication (ECing), Baby Whispering, Infant Potty Training or Natural Infant Hygiene (NIH) don’t really need to go through the gentle progression of the Beginner and Intermediate steps leading to the Advanced stage because they are more used to baring their bottoms and going to the toilet. However, there is no harm in starting at the Beginner stage – even for just a few minutes – and then moving on to the Intermediate and finally on to the Advanced stage.
The most important factor to consider when putting a baby or a toddler on a potty (or even a toilet trainer) is that they feel safe and secure. They must be held and supported on all sides. That magical squat position is what triggers the instinct to ‘push’.
The original Baby Throne I made for Hector was not soft; I made it from wood, clay, plastic and lots of plumbing tape and it worked like a dream! Now of course, the Baby Throne is made from a pretty, warm material. Supported comfortably in a squat position, allows baby to relax and nature to take its course.
It is more of a challenge to get toddlers to sit and relax as they can often get distracted and want to get off the Throne. Try all the tricks you know. Distract them. Give them something to do. A book or a toy. In our house, flash cards were the most popular and I think Hector simply loved the time he had to have undivided attention from whoever was sitting with him. You want them distracted by what they are doing and then their bodies relax, that magic squat position triggers the instinct to ‘push’, and they empty their bowels. They also empty their bladders as well.
Nearly all parents mention this problem at the start but all state that with patience everything falls into place within a very short period of time. Just keep with a routine if it doesn’t happen first time. Once their baby or toddler got ‘it’ and made the ‘connection’ they were all ‘going like a Boeing’. This has to be the most common expression I hear when I ask for feedback on how things are going!
This is debatable. Grand parents tell me that 50 years ago, before the invention of the disposable nappy (diaper), babies were out of nappies by the time they were 18 months old. They believed that the increased workload in washing nappies and the uncomfortable feel of a wet cloth nappy led to both parents and toddlers working towards being ‘dry’. Now the modern nappies protect the baby from feeling the wetness, so babies do not complain and the parents subsequently do not change the nappies.
But what about all of the nappy (diaper) waste? Landfills around the world are full of disposable nappies (diapers). It would be wrong to say that cloth nappies have no effect on the environment – we have to wash them in detergent – but the damage is less. A kinder solution is to work with your baby to transition them out of nappies and onto the toilet. The Baby Throne helps you do that.
Sitting in soiled nappies (diapers) is not healthy and encourages infections. Bladder infections and nappy rashes (diaper rash) are painful and can be avoided by encouraging your baby out of nappy use. It is much better and healthier to encourage your baby to use the Baby Throne and no longer need nappies (diapers) as soon as possible – especially by the time they start solids at about 6 months.
There is discussion about the connection between testicular cancer, male infertility and long term nappy (diaper) wearing. There has been some excellent research in this area but no matter what, common sense tells you that those little testicles are not meant to get hot and be kept hot! If in doubt, read up on scientific or medical research and ask your doctor.
The last nappy/diaper to drop is the one at night. This stands to reason as it is a long time between visits to the bathroom. Almost half of all children still wet the bed at the age of 3. Most child development experts consider bed-wetting normal until about the age of 6, when only 12% of kids still wet the bed.
There appears to be a strong family component to bed-wetting: 77% of children whose parents both wet the bed as youngsters will do the same. 43% of children of one bed-wetting parent will follow suit, and only 15% of children whose parents had no trouble staying dry at night will wet the bed. I even had a friend who occasionally wet the bed in her late teen years. Regardless of how you proceed, avoid putting pressure on your child and don’t punish.
Staying dry all night is a developmental skill and everyone is different. Some advice could be simply to cut down the amount of liquids before bed time. A bottle to sleep with is of course going to put pressure on the bladder. Perhaps try and cut down the volume of liquid; do it gradually. Sometimes the child cannot feel the wetness as the nappy/diaper can be so efficient and it simply doesn’t feel wet.
One trick is putting on a pair of panties or underpants under the nappy (diaper) so they can feel the wetness and be aware of what is happening. You can also purchase urine-sensitive alarms that wake up your child when it senses wetness, although we did not feel this was necessary for Hector. When Hector was little, I used to take him to the toilet before he went to bed to empty his bladder and then again when I went to bed at about 11pm. He never really woke up and this certainly made a big difference to his comfort.
I always have a waterproof mattress cover on the bed just in case there is an accident. Much easier to strip the bed and throw the sheets into the washing machine than an expensive mattress getting ruined as a result of the occasional accident. The accidents were far too infrequent to justify using a nappy (diaper). When Hector did wear a nappy at night, I found in summer he would get very hot and sweaty in that area, which we all know not healthy for little boys!
Before you buy a Baby Throne it is important to have a plan for the training process itself. Toilet training is a continuous process. It is about enabling, teaching and ensuring that your child feels comfortable, safe and secure. Be flexible, have fun and don’t expect ‘success in a day’.
Every parent, baby and toddler is different and what suits one may not suit another. It is about common sense, kindness, teaching and helping them to do what they need to do to be independent. If baby hates what you are doing, leave it for a day or a week and then try again. Don’t force them. If you are worried, speak to your paediatrician, other mothers, your mother and friends. Decide upon a flexible strategy and share that with anyone who takes care of your child and get their support.
There will be accidents. Always treat it lightly and clean up and move on. It was Hector who used to get most upset with his accidents, which could be as a result of teething, not being well or simply getting out of routine. It is easy to get out of routine, but just as easy to get back into it again.
Throughout toilet training, your baby and/or toddler will respond to positive feedback. Using positive feedback and responding in a supportive and caring way makes your child feel safe and keep trying. In our house whenever Hector moved on to another step in his toilet training, we made sure that we praised his success. We were always mindful to praise his progress and offer positive feedback. Sometimes we would clap or hold him up so that he could made the chimes in the bathroom sing. Positive feedback is important as it creates a nurturing and supportive environment where accidents are part of the learning process.
As an engineer and a mother, I was presented with a problem that I had to solve. Hector just did not like to sit in a soiled (number 2) nappy (diaper) and would cry. I had to find a solution. I had to find a way for Hector to empty his bowels completely. No one told me that I was meant to wait until he was 2 years old before thinking about toilet training.
When my family and friends saw what I was doing and the positive results, they encouraged me to take Hector’s Throne – as it was called then – into production. Hector’s Throne became The Baby Throne and the rest is history, as they say!
You save time by using the Baby Throne. It is also much healthier for baby avoiding nappy rash, infections, testicular cancer in later life etc. Testicular cancer and infertility in later life is debatable at present but common sense tells us those family jewels are not meant to be kept hot. We have proven that on average you save changing over 2200 nappies (diapers) before the age of 2. That is a lot of time saved. All the time you need to start is a maximum of 10 minutes in the morning and the evening.
Using the Baby Throne as part of your routine (habit stacking) is easy! When you are brushing your teeth, or running the bath, settle your baby into their Throne. You can even use it after they have woken up from their nap. But remember, always supervise your child and never leave them unattended on the Throne.
We recommend warm soapy water or if you want something more aggressive your normal bathroom cleaners are fine too. In South Africa we have a product called Handy Andy that is nice to use but rinse properly. Remember you do not want harsh detergents against your baby’s skin. It is always a good idea to clean new products especially for using with baby because they could be covered in residual chemicals from the factories. Most people even like to wash new clothes before using them on baby.
Each to their own but is this not being mean to your child?
Sorry, at about 20Kg the Baby Throne starts to get tight so it would be better to move on to the standard toilet trainers available that simply make the toilet hole smaller. 20Kg is the weight of an average 4 year old but if you have a special needs child and they still fit go ahead. We have had great feedback on this. Always be in attendance and do not leave them alone! It is always possible to fall off the Baby Throne even if unlikely.
Babies are clever so why wait? You are using physiology and gravity, then routine and reward, no need to wait until they are toddlers to start.
As soon as baby can sit up straight unaided you can start using the Baby Throne, which is at about 4 months. All you are doing is helping baby empty their bowels properly it is just basic physiology and gravity. As a result of this you end up using fewer nappies (diapers). The Baby Throne has received endorsements from paediatricians and world recognised paediatric surgeons as a valuable aid especially for children when transitioning from liquid to solid foods.
All materials used in the Baby Throne are food grade and recyclable. We also insist upon using world-class internationally acceptable manufacturing techniques and standards to protect our environment. Our materials are expensive and development may cause short delays. We prioritise quality and are committed to never cutting costs by using techniques and/or materials that are not up to our standards.
Toilet training is easy BUT you need to have the right tool to hold baby or toddler in the correct squat position to help trigger the instinct to push. With any toilet training, your baby must feel safe and secure. The Baby Throne provides unique support around your child’s back, sides and under their thighs while holding them in the optimal squat position.
Toilet training must be done with kindness and understanding. Picture yourself being asked to sit on cold, hard plastic with no support around you and being told to ‘relax and push’ especially if that hole was high off the ground as well. Feeling safe, secure and comfortable in the correct position is the Baby Throne’s greatest secret.
- NEVER leave a child unattended when toilet training on the Baby Throne
- ALWAYS supervise your child to prevent injury from falling off the Baby Throne
- Read and FOLLOW the instruction manual
- ONLY use the base on the floor
- Top section is ONLY to be placed on the base or toilet
- Use the Baby Throne for no more than 10 MINUTES per session
- Intended to be used as a toilet-training device ONLY
If you cannot find the Baby Throne on other websites it means they are out of stock; we will deliver soonest!
If you are concerned please contact us on the email you received confirming your tracking number or you can email us on info@knightsbabytraining.com
Baby Thrones are despatched within 48 hours of receiving your order and payment. Please ensure we have your contact telephone number for delivery. Delivery times in South Africa are 4 days and internationally approximately 14 days. However please expect delays as a result of Covid challenges especially internationally.
All Baby Throne orders are insured and have a tracking number either with the Courier Guy nationally in South Africa or with the post office for international orders. You will receive your tracking number after you have submitted your order and we have received your payment confirmation.
Size and weight of the Baby Throne products:
Full Set Size: 40 X 40 X 40 cm
Full Set Weight: 2.5kg
Seat Only Size: 40 X 40 X 20 cm
Seat Only Weight: 1.5kg
You can reach us telephonically on +1 423 750 1569 or via email on info@knightsbabytraining.com or the form above
Constipation typically occurs when babies move onto solids at about 6 months or as a result of dietary changes at a later age. Toddlers have a tendency to ‘hold back’ and this is also a common cause of constipation. If constipation is not resolved and becomes chronic, it may result in serious health issues. The squat position can help with all of these challenges. In rare cases, the cause of constipation can require additional medical attention.
Yes – if you are not happy with your Baby Throne in 14 days, send it back and we will refund you; no questions asked. We have not had one returned yet!
Buy online via Amazon or securely on our website | Full Set ONLY $129!
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• PLEASE include your CONTACT NUMBER for our delivery company in your shipping address in PayPal BEFORE clicking the final ‘Pay Now’ button.
• 1 to 2 weeks delivery times under normal circumstances
• Please be aware of delays in delivery times as a result of Covid-19
Customs Duty and Sales Tax: We exclude any customs’ charges or sales tax upon entry to your country. We have no control over your Customs Office but if they do intercept your parcel they will contact you. Should you be charged customs/sales tax please let us know so that we can learn to be better prepared. However, you will be pleased to know that South Africa does in fact enjoy duty concessions in a number of countries. The benefits of the Baby Throne being made in the Mother City, Cape Town!
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A Message From Our Founder
Hi, I’m Zoe Durbach, a scientist, an engineer and a mother. I invented the Baby Throne in 2007 for my son, Hector. There was nothing on the market (locally and internationally) that could help my son fully empty his bowels and prevent constipation. I invented the Baby Throne to safely hold Hector in the optimal squat position. I discovered it was possible for children to be done with nappies well before 18 months. This is the same age children were toilet trained by before the invention of disposable nappies.
Through using the Baby Throne with Hector I discovered it was not necessary for him to empty his bowels in a nappy/diaper especially when he started solids at 6 months. Hector was completely done with nappies/diapers at 14 months during the day and well before 18 months during the night.

Buy online via Amazon or securely on our website | Full Set ONLY $129!